Sněžka – the highest mountain in the Czech Republic
You should visit Sněžka – it is one of the most interesting places in the Czech Republic. With its elevation of 1,602 meters above sea level, it is the highest mountain of the Czech Republic. Sněžka Mountain is a major landmark of the eastern part of the Krkonoše Mountains.

The summit of the Sněžka Mountain is a frequent tourist destination accessible through numerous tourist paths. The summit can be reached either on foot or you may take the ropeway from Pec pod Sněžkou. As the Sněžka mountain is the highest point in the area, you may enjoy a great panoramic view of the surroundings from its summit. Receptions desk of our boarding house will gladly provide you with detailed information for planning a trip from Špindlerův Mlýn up to the Sněžka Mountain.
The average year-round temperature at the summit of the mountain reaches only about 0.2 °C. Border between the Czech Republic and Poland leads through the summit of the Sněžka Mountain. The summit can be reached by the ropeway from Pec pod Sněžkou some 4.5 km away. The northern Polish side falls down to Lomnička River Valley, the southern side to Obří důl, western side to Úpa Moor, and the eastern side passes into Obří hřbet.
Sněžka was given its name in the 19th century. It comes from the word Sněžná (Snowy) – or “covered by snow”. The first Czech name was Pahrbek Sněžný (Snowy hillock), then it was called Sněžovka, and from 1823 it has been called Sněžka.
The summit of the mountain is rocky and its area is about 120,000 m².
The first recorded climb dates back to 1456, when a man from Venice searched for precious stones in the mountains. A Silesian scientist, Kryštof Schilling, was trying to measure altitude of the mountain from 1563 until 1566. He measured unbelievable 5,880 meters above sea level (1,000 meters more than Mont Blanc). In 1569, Jiřík of Řáseň measured 2,035 m.
Walking tour to the Sněžka Mountain from Špindlerův Mlýn:
We strongly recommend not to underestimate weather. Please bear in mind that weather in the mountains changes constantly and suddenly. If there is a clear sky in the morning, one hour later it can be a completely different story. Do not forget to take suitable clothing to protect yourself from adverse weather conditions.